[Diritto] FYI: Hague Conference on Private International Law and Implications for Debian

Christian Surchi csurchi@debian.org
Wed, 26 Sep 2001 19:53:22 +0200

Penso che possa interessare...


----- Forwarded message from James Miller <jamiller@cyberdude.com> -----

Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 01:01:38 -0400
From: James Miller <jamiller@cyberdude.com>
Subject: Hague Conference on Private International Law and Implications for 
To: Debian Legal List <debian-legal@lists.debian.org>

Jamie Love has enumerated several important concerns at
about the upcoming conference and implications for the community.

I'm hoping that people could look this over. I'm interested in hearing
people's comments on where they think their direct development or debian
packaging could be impacted by enforceability of private law judgements
and jurisdiction under such a draft.

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Christian Surchi   |   csurchi@debian.org   |   christian@firenze.linux.it    
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