[Diritto] [Fwd: [Patents] MS Office 2003 XML patented]

Davide Dozza diritto@softwarelibero.it
Mon, 17 Nov 2003 19:30:05 +0100

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Sembra che abbiano brevettato il Referece Schema in modo da bloccare 
l'accesso ai programmi GPL.


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Hi! Just came across the following:

Office 2003 XML Reference Schema Patent License

Microsoft may have patents and/or patent applications that are necessary
for you to license in order to make, sell, or distribute software programs
that read or write files that comply with the Microsoft specifications for
the Office Schemas.

So usage of MS Word XML files requires a patentlicense.


You are not licensed to distribute a Licensed Implementation under license 
terms and conditions that prohibit the terms and conditions of this license.
You are not licensed to sublicense or transfer your rights.

The licence is royalty free, but GPL §7 requires the right to sublicence
patent rights to the people who obtain a GPL program from you.

so in other words Microsoft is using patents to prevent GPLed programs
from accessing the XML format that MS Word will be using.

This is very good timing, and goes to show how important it is to ensure
that the software patent directive has articles that protects interoperativity
from consituting patentinfringemet.

  Mvh. Carsten Svaneborg

