[Diritto] CDDL vs GNU GPL

Andrea Glorioso sama at miu-ft.org
Sat Dec 11 19:20:35 UTC 2004

Ciao a tutti.


Sun's Proposed CDDL License - Feedback Requested
Sunday, December 05 2004 @ 12:36 PM EST

Sun has just submitted a newly  created license, the  CDDL, to OSI for
approval. Or not. They don't say officially if this is the license for
an open source Solaris, but,  well, duh. Probably it  depends on if it
is approved  or not, for starters. But  it's not  a definite, and they
would like  suggestions and input on  the  license, separate  from any
particular  product.  So,  let's read it  as  a  proposed license  for
anything. Is it  an improvement over  current licenses or not? That is
the question. Also, should it be approved by  OSI? It's taken from the
language of the Mozilla Public License but is an attempt to improve it
from Sun's standpoint. So I  have drawn up  a little chart, so you can
compare and provide meaningful input.


Qualcuno ha gia` avuto tempo di studiare la prima bozza della CDDL e
vuole condividere le proprie valutazioni?


Andrea Glorioso             sama at miu-ft.org         +39 333 820 5723
        .:: Media Innovation Unit - Firenze Tecnologia ::.
	      Conquering the world for fun and profit

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