[Diritto] Re: [c-what] Sveasoft e violazione della GNU GPL

Pm10 - Susan susan at bastardinside.org
Sun Jul 25 18:20:32 UTC 2004

On Sun, 2004-07-25 at 12:13, Andrea Glorioso wrote:

> Io non  ho ben capito  se  il comportamento  di Sveasoft  e` o  no una
> violazione della  GNU GPL - prima  di lanciarmi in ricerche in merito,
> vorrei   capire se  qualcuno   ha   un'idea  piu`  chiara  dell'intera
> situazione e puo` condividerla con il resto del mondo (incluso me :).

pare di no


Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 23:21    Post subject: What is the Free
Software Foundation stance on Sveasoft? Reply with quote 
The Free Software Foundation has reviewed the Sveasoft subscription
model and concluded that it fulfills all stipulations of the GPL


I see no problems with this model. If the software is licensed under the
GPL, and you distribute the source code with the binaries (as opposed to
making an offer for source code), you are under no obligation to supply 
future releases to anyone. 

Please be clear that the subscription is for the support and 
distribution and not for a license. 

Peter Brown 
GPL Compliance Manager 
Free Software Foundation

si trova la medesima info sia su
che su

la cosa che piu' si avvicina a una dichiarazione e' questa email tratta
da una mailing list firmata da perter brown


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