[Discussioni] w3c e standard a pagamento

Andrea Glorioso sama a aglorioso.com
Dom 30 Set 2001 21:30:27 CEST


"On 16 August 2001 the W3C made public a proposal to substantially
change their patent policy framework. Amongst the changes is support
for a new licensing model (called RAND) that legitimises the W3C's
role in developing and promoting standards that could require the
payment of royalties.


The last call review period closes on 30 September 2001 (two days from
the time I am writing this abstract). The W3C is aware of the
importance of this issue and states "As the policy has ramifications
on the Web community at large, and as the Web Community have
consistently helped W3C in its efforts, views from this diverse
community are essential."[1] However, as evidence of how well this
issue has been publicised, only two relevant public comments have been
made to the W3C archive to date. It is a matter of urgency that you
make your views known. A final policy is expected from the W3C by
February 2002."

E' il caso che ASSOLI faccia presente la sua opinione in materia?


C'e' il progresso dappertutto		              Andrea Glorioso
e  non  c'e'  lo sviluppo, da		 1          
nessuna parte...				   sama a aglorioso.com
                Giorgio Gaber		                  Now in Rome

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