[Discussioni]The Three Faces of Linux

bernardo parrella berny a cybermesa.com
Gio 23 Ott 2003 16:31:02 CEST


segnalo quest'articolo che credo interessi qui, pur se focalizzato su 
"professionisti, preti e fanatici" dell'opensource (le tre facce di 
linux), e che va suscitando pesanti flame-repliche (anche su 

in particolare la parte finale, in cui i "fanatici" vengono 
equiparati ai terroristi:

Zealots and Terrorists

I have a hard time seeing the Zealots as any different from 
terrorists because of the nature of their threats. I expect one of 
them -- or perhaps a group of them -- will go too far at some point 
and do significant damage to the open-source movement, the ongoing 
litigation with SCO or their employers.

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