[Discussioni] [NEWS] Newham and Microsoft sign 10-yr deal

Andrea Glorioso sama a miu-ft.org
Mar 17 Ago 2004 12:31:08 CEST

Ciao a tutti.


  Microsoft and the Newham Council have  signed a ten year agreement -
  worth  at least £5m    - making  Microsoft  the  council's  software
  provider of choice.

  This is the concluding chapter in a  long-running battle between the
  Redmond based software giant  and the open source software community
  for pride of place in the London borough's IT department. As well as
  significant upgrades to  the IT infrastructure  and standardising on
  one version  of Windows, the deal will   see social workers equipped
  with Tablet PCs - part of making home visits more efficient.


  Newham had brought in open  source consultancy netproject to conduct
  a study  of  the  feasibility   of  an  open source deployment.   It
  recommended that  the council  deploy  a mixture of  open source and
  proprietary   solutions, including  an  upgrade  of its MS  Exchange

  Microsoft  responded by commissioning  Cap Gemini  to audit Newham's
  IT, and  to run cost   / benefit analyses of   both the open  source
  option, and the 100 per cent Redmond  solution. The CapGemini report
  recommended Microsoft, all the way.

  Netproject's  Eddie  Bleasdale says his consultancy    was used as a
  negotiating tool to get  a better deal  out of Microsoft.  He argues
  that the council   never really intended   to deploy an open  source
  solution at all - because it doesn't have the expertise to do so.


Qui si  può leggere il commento di  Eddie Bleasdale di Netproject, che
ha  condotto lo studio per la   migrazione al Software  Libero (o Open
Source che dir si voglia) di Newham:


Ricordo tra l'altro che Cap Gemini versa  in cattivissime acque, e che
una bella iniezione di capitale da parte di  Microsoft per produrre un
rapporto compiacente è tutto tranne che impossibile (ma sottolineo che
questa è una mia supposizione ,dato tra  l'altro che ad oggi lo studio
condotto da Cap Gemini non è pubblicamente disponibile).


Andrea Glorioso             sama a miu-ft.org         +39 333 820 5723
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