[Discussioni] [bh a udev.org: Please call your minister! and fill in the wiki page with their coordinates! and the date of the meeting!]

Francesco Potorti` pot a softwarelibero.it
Mar 11 Maggio 2004 15:46:42 CEST

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Date: Mon, 10 May 2004 17:23:26 +0200
Resent-from: zoobab a agl.ucl.ac.be
From: Henrion Benjamin <bh a udev.org>
Subject: Please call your minister! and fill in the wiki page with their
 coordinates! and the date of the meeting!
To: bxl a ffii.org
Cc: uk-parl a ffii.org, be-parl a ffii.org, de-parl a ffii.org, nl-parl a ffii.org,
 lu-parl a ffii.org, se-parl a ffii.org, it-parl a ffii.org, at-parl a ffii.org,
 dk-parl a ffii.org, fr-parl a ffii.org, es-parl a ffii.org, pt-parl a ffii.org,
 gr-parl a ffii.org, ie-parl a ffii.org, pl-parl a ffii.org, cz-parl a ffii.org,
 hu-parl a ffii.org, eurolinux a eurolinux.org
X-Spam-Bogosity: Unsure, tests=bogofilter, spamicity=0.496652, version=0.17.5

It is URGENT that someone in each country calls his minister to get a
meeting this wednesday-thursday-wednesday about the swpat directive.

Please take CEOs with you, and good economic arguments.

Please update the following wiki page with the coordinates of your
minister. The most important things are the fax + tel number and the email.

We shoud have a meeting PHYSICALLY with each Minister in each country,
giving him a split of each Eurolinux signatories...

Do it! We are in a hurry!

- --
Benjamin Henrion <bh a udev.org>
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