[Discussioni] (da /.) Is IP Property?

Andrea Trentini trentini a dico.unimi.it
Ven 10 Set 2004 08:17:15 CEST

non ho ancora letto nemmeno l'art su /.
ma l'abstract mi ha intrigato ;)

| Is IP Property?                                                    |
|   from the bundle-of-sticks dept.                                  |
|   posted by michael on Thursday September 09, @13:10 (The Courts)  |
|   http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=04/09/09/1640255          |

An anonymous reader writes "In a recent article, Stanford Law Professor
Mark Lemley argues that [0]intellectual property is not 'property' in the
traditional sense. [1]According to Lemley, while 'free riding' off of
someone else's land or other physical property rights is always
undesirable, freely benefitting from someone else's intellectual property
rights is often the best way to form a free and creative society.
Lemley's distinction also points to the unusual fact that in IP,
traditional liberals are often calling for less and less government,
while conservatives demand regulation in order to protect their exclusive
right to use their intellectual creations."

Discuss this story at:

     0. http://www.acsblog.org/ip-and-tech-law-192-lemley-intellectual-property-should-not-be-treated-like-property.html
     1. http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=582602

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Andrea Trentini - D.I.Co - Universita' di Milano
   http://www.sl-lab.it - http://www.atrent.it
No-Urbani  http://dudo.altervista.org/urbani.pdf

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