[Discussioni] [Jean-Baptiste Soufron <soufron a free.fr>] [escape_l] le point d'une anthropologiste sur le libre

Andrea Glorioso sama a miu-ft.org
Lun 27 Set 2004 19:51:28 CEST



"One  might suspect FOSS of  having a deliberate political agenda, but
when  asked, FOSS developers invariably  offer  a firm and unambiguous
"no" -- usually  followed  by  a  precise lexicon for  discussing  the
proper relationship between FOSS and politics.

FOSS has  attained a robust socio-political life  as  a touchstone for
like-minded   projects in   art,  law,  journalism,   and science-some
examples  being MIT's OpenCourseWare  project,  School Forge,  and the
BBC's decision to release all their  archives under a Creative Commons

One might  suspect FOSS of having  a deliberate political  agenda, but
when asked,  FOSS developers invariably offer   a firm and unambiguous
"no" -- usually  followed  by  a precise  lexicon for  discussing  the
proper relationship between FOSS and politics.

For example, while it is perfectly acceptable and encouraged to have a
panel  on   free software  at  an  antiglobalization  conference, FOSS
developers would  suggest that it  is unacceptable to  claim that FOSS
has  as one  of its goals   antiglobalization, or for  that matter any
political program -- a subtle but vital difference, which captures the
uncanny, visceral, and   minute  semiotic  acts by which    developers
divorce FOSS from a guided political direction."



-------------- parte successiva --------------
Un messaggio incapsulato è stato rimosso...
Da:         Jean-Baptiste Soufron <soufron a free.fr>
Oggetto :   [escape_l] le point d'une anthropologiste sur le libre
Data:       Sun, 26 Sep 2004 13:28:34 +0200
Dimensione: 33083
URL:        <http://lists.softwarelibero.it/pipermail/discussioni/attachments/20040927/e3c3196b/attachment.mht>
-------------- parte successiva --------------

Andrea Glorioso             sama a miu-ft.org         +39 333 820 5723
        .:: Media Innovation Unit - Firenze Tecnologia ::.
	      Conquering the world for fun and profit

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