[Discussioni] [ffii] Software Patent Loser Volvo lobbying for Uncommon Position
Giacomo Cosenza
giacomo.cosenza a sinapsi.com
Ven 1 Apr 2005 00:59:48 CEST
Alberto Cammozzo wrote:
> Effetti perversi del mercato:
> Volvo passa per una ditta europea e parla al parlamento
> europeo difendendo i brevetti sw, mentre e' stata
> acquistata dalla Ford (come Jaguar, Aston Martin,
> Land Rover, tutte europee - in origine).
> Mi stupisco che FFII non lo dica chiaro e tondo.
Per colpire bene, pero', bisogna usare argomenti che non siano
facilmente riducibili a una posizione anti-americana. Viceversa si
rischia la spaccatura degli incerti, come al solito, che poi sono gli
Chi di SW o di mercato del SW ne capisce. Chi non e' un monopolista del SW.
Chi non e' un venduto a un qualche monopolista del mercato del SW. Ecco
tutti costoro lo sanno da soli che la brevettabilita' del software e'
una maledizione del mercato libero, non solo del software libero. Non
c'e' bisogno di sapere se sia o meno anti-americano. Aggiunge pochissimo
per togliere tantissimo, alle nostre argomentazioni.
So di fare cosa poco usuale e rischiosa per chiuque, figurarsi per uno
sguru come me: rischiosa perche' mi espongo al vostro disappunto per
l'autoriferimento, ma anche perche' quei pochi che avranno voglia di
leggere il mio autoriferimento potrebbero anche vedere le stupidaggini
che ho scritto.
trovate la form per scaricare la mia presentazione.
Data che il download della presentazione richiede l'email per la
registrazione (dannazione e' pure un sito ms-asp), a chi me la chiedesse
personalmente, la manderei in allegato.
Se pero' mi date il consenso per fare una seconda cosa inusuale,
allegare un documento ai post di una mlist, allora l'alleghero'
direttamente in un post nei prossimi giorni.
Preciso che per me il non-consenso e un solo post che mi chiede di non
fare questa seconda violazione del codice di comportamento.
Scusate l'irritualita'
> Alberto
>----- Forwarded message from PILCH Hartmut <phm a a2e.de> -----
>To: news a ffii.org
>From: phm a a2e.de (PILCH Hartmut)
>X-Mailman-Approved-At: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 17:27:50 +0200
>Subject: [ffii] Software Patent Loser Volvo lobbying for Uncommon Position
>PRESS RELEASE FFII -- [ Europe / economy / ICT ]
>Volvo Letter to EP: Software Patent Loser Lobbying for Council Position
>The representative office of Volvo Motors in Brussels has sent in
>recent days a paper to members of the European Parliament, dated 15
>March 2005, which calls them to support the Council's "Common
>Position". The letter reads like a copied and pasted from similar
>letters sent by other large Swedish companies, consisting mainly of
>unsubstantiated bold statements about the importance of patents and
>the "devastating effects" that any serious limitation of patentability
>would have.
>A look at Volvo's patenting activities shows that Volvo has been
>unsuccessfully trying to obtain a few broad and trivial patents on
>ways to arrange a car's interior and an information display panel, but
>that on the whole this is a very peripheral activity for Volvo that
>does not affect its overall business in any way. It looks more like
>colleagues from large corporate patent departments doing one another a
>favour by participating in letter-writing actions.
>In June 2003, Jean-Pierre Courniou, R&D director of Renault and
>president of the "Club Informatique des Grandes Entreprises
>Francaaises" (CIGREF = Computing Club of the Large French Companies)
>declared software patents to be a great danger for the automobile
>industry and summarised: "For me and for CIGREF, the response is: no,
>we don't want patentability". According to FFII's research, Volvo
>owns far fewer software patents than Renault and is definitely on the
>losing end of the software patent game in every respect.
>Hartmut Pilch, president of FFII, comments:
> "It is clear that Volvo is merely being used by a network of corporate
> patent lawyers for political statements that have nothing to do with
> the interests of Volvo. MEPs should put hard questions to Volvo and
> insist on a talk with their board level. As long as there is no
> apology from Volvo's board, the rest of us should punish Volvo for
> allowing abuse of its name by a kind of political activism that is
> harmful to the industry and consumers at large. Please read Volvo's
> patent shameless patent claims and lobbying letters and remember
> them next time you think of buying or renting a car."
>Extra information
>The letter and Volvo's patent claims can be found at
> http://wiki.ffii.org/Volvo050315En
>Hartmut Pilch and Holger Blasum (Munich Office)
>info at ffii org
>tel. 0049-89-18979927
>Erik Josefsson (Brussels Office)
>erjos at ffii org
>tel. 0032-2-7396262
>Jonas Maebe:
>jmaebe at ffii org
>tel. 0032-485-369645
>Dieter Van Uytvanck:
>dieter a vrijschrift.org
>tel. 0031-6-275-87910
>About FFII -- http://www.ffii.org
>The Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII) is a
>non-profit association registered in several European countries, which
>is dedicated to the spread of data processing literacy. FFII supports
>the development of public information goods based on copyright, free
>competition, open standards. More than 500 members, 1,400 companies
>and 80,000 supporters have entrusted the FFII to act as their voice in
>public policy questions concerning exclusion rights (intellectual
>property) in data processing. The FFII maintains offices in Munich and
>Brussels and national supporter groups in most European countries.
>FFII Press Releases.
>(un)subscribe via http://lists.ffii.org/mailman/listinfo/news, or contact media a ffii.org for more information.
>----- End forwarded message -----
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