[Discussioni] [FLOSS] I Lloyd's di Londra assicurano i progetti FLOSS per le cause di PI

Andrea Glorioso andrea a digitalpolicy.it
Lun 15 Ago 2005 09:33:35 CEST

Ciao a tutti.

Come gia` si  era capito,  per fare  i soldi al  giorno d'oggi bisogna
essere   idraulici  o avvocati.    Pare      che anche  la    carriera
dell'assicuratore abbia ricevuto una bella spinta. :)


By Gavin Clarke in San Francisco 12 Aug 2005 01:31
Lloyd's taking on open source IP risk

Exclusive Lloyd's of London is close to offering independent insurance
protection worldwide against potential  IP litigation  involving Linux
and open  source software. The financial services  giant has agreed to
take  on  the risk  associated with   open  source, and is  finalizing
arrangements  to work through Open Source   Risk Management (OSRM) who
will become Lloyd's sole US representative.

OSRM  will assess   both the risk   of  the software  in use   and the
individual company, before  passing on  the  risk to  the  appropriate
insurance company on the  Lloyds market. OSRM  expects to announce the
first customers this Fall, and will initially charge organizations $60
per server.

The  partnership between OSRM  and Lloyd's will be vendor independent,
differing from   many   of the  existing   intellectual property  (IP)
protection programs  that  are primarily  designed  to ward off attack
from the litigous SCO Group.

Red  Hat, Hewlett  Packard and  Novell  in January 2004  all announced
separate protection for customers using their Linux products. JBoss in
April this   year announced     indemnification for its    middleware,
including  JBoss application sever,    Cache  and  Hibernate    object
relational mapping technology.

The type   of coverage   provided  by  Lloyd's  also promises    to be
substantially larger  than vendor-backed   programs thanks  to Lloyds'
size and capital backing.

"This is a huge step," OSRM chairman Daniel Egger told The Register.




Andrea Glorioso		andrea a digitalpolicy.it
                        +39 348 921 4379
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