[Discussioni] EU Parliament calls for better support of Open Source

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Mer 19 Lug 2006 18:24:56 CEST


EU Parliament calls for better support of Open Source

In their recent plenary session, EU parliamentarians have voiced their 
support for an open information society. A text adopted by a majority 
of the EU parliament to implement the Lisbon program of the European 
Community under the motto "More research and innovation - investing for 
growth and employment" aims, among other things, to send a signal to 
the EU commission, which is constantly expanding intellectual property 
rights to the benefit of rights holders. The parliamentarians countered 
that the concept of "Open Innovation" is the best way to increase 
investments in research and development and attain the Lisbon goals. In 
these goals, the EU Plans to become the most competitive, dynamic 
economic area in the world by 2010.

Specifically, the parliamentarians point out that a "user-friendly 
system of intellectual property protection" should be created in a 
knowledge-based society. Free access to public goods and knowledge 
should not be inhibited, they argue, by copyrights, trademarks, and 
patents. The parliamentarians call on the Commission to "promote a 
socially inclusive knowledge-based society." Support for free software 
and its major license concepts, such as the GNU General Public License 
(GPL) and the Public Documentation License (PDL) should be provided to 
this end.

In its resolution, the EU Parliament also believes that an "integrated" 
community patent should be created. It would be based on "democratic 
legal standards" and be part of a general innovation strategy. In turn, 
this strategy would specify that a balance between commercial property 
rights, on the one hand, and the dissemination of technical knowledge 
and free, uninhibited competition, on the other, should be ensured. 
Here, the peoples' representatives point out that the purpose of 
patents is to protect inventions, not control market sectors.

nota - mi scuso se questo messaggio ha linee oltre i 70 caratteri,
purtroppo al momento non posso farci niente :(

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