[Discussioni] un paio di cent in più

m a pavis.biodec.com m a pavis.biodec.com
Mar 30 Nov 2010 14:36:50 CET

* Mattia Tristo (mattia.tristo a gmail.com) [101130 13:17]:
>      ma di quali PA stiamo parlando, scusate? io sento tutti i giorni persone
>      che lavorano nelle amministrazioni e il giudizio condiviso quasi sempre
>      è una roba del tipo "da sempre sopportiamo software che funziona poco e
>      male, con un'assistenza costosa e poco efficiente, e per il quale non
>      riusciamo mai a veder sviluppate le estensioni che ci farebbero davvero
>      comodo, per motivi economici o di mancato interessa da parte dei
>      fornitori", per cui che senso ha presentare lo stato attuale come serio
>      e professionale e il passaggio a SL come amatoriale e romantico? la
>      realtà è ben diversa, e particolarmente triste...
>    Per convincere tutti si potrebbe già far partire un progetto open source,
>    estensioni per la PA con software ad hoc per le mvarie esigenze, in
>    collaborazione con le varie PA.

plonegov e` un tentativo in questa direzione, per applicazioni per
Plone, per le PA 

 .*.                            finelli
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(   )       Linux: Friends dont let friends use Piccolosoffice
^^-^^ --------------------------------------------------------------

One day Professor Zadeh was presenting his area of research - an area that he
created called ``fuzzy sets''. Fuzzy sets were then and still are today a
controversial area. Some researchers do not think much of this area. However,
the area is immensely popular to many others. There are countless conferences,
books, and journals devoted completely to this area. Kahan was in the audience
while Zadeh was speaking. Finally, at some point Kahan could take it no more.
He stood up and Zadeh asked him what his question was. Kahan stated in the most
eloquent manner that it might be okay to work on fuzzy sets in the privacy of
your own basement (after all this was Berkeley), but there was no excuse for
exposing young minds to this ``stuff''- his term was stronger. We all were
shocked. For a few seconds no one spoke. I wondered how in the world Zadeh
could respond. Zadeh finally said, ``thank you for your comments'', and went on
with the rest of talk, as if nothing had happened. The next year the faculty
talks were cancelled.


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