[Diritto] Re: [Discussioni]Sama does Bruxelles

Andrea Glorioso diritto@softwarelibero.it
Fri, 07 Nov 2003 15:24:08 +0100

Ciao a tutti.

Andreas Dietl, di FIPR, mi manda una mail per cercare di fare il punto
della situazione dalla loro parte:

>>>>> "ag" =3D=3D Andrea Glorioso <sama@perchetopi.org> writes:

    ag> Da quel che ho capito la direttiva e` stata rimandata al 2
    ag> dicembre.  Ho chiesto maggiori lumi in giro, cerchero` di
    ag> tenere tutti informati.


>>"ad" =3D=3D Andreas Dietl <ad@andreas-dietl.de> writes:

ad> Unless  something unforeseen happens,  the schedule is as follows:
ad> Vote in  JURI Commission -  Nov. 17, in the  evening, in a special
ad> meeting in Strasbourg

ad> Vote   in Plenary  -   December 3  or  4,  in  Brussels during the
ad> so-called Mini-Session of the  EP=20

ad> In the 2=BD weeks between  the two votes,  there will be  "informal"
ad> meetings with the  Council,  which will probably translate  into a
ad> bunch of  Amendments tabled by the  Rapporteur and  reflecting the
ad> Council position.

ad> There are a few  MEPs from Italy  who are not  as clueless  on the
ad> issue as seems  to be the case  with  the people you  ahve been in
ad> contact  with=20

ad> -        MEPs    Francesco       Fiori     (FFiori@europarl.eu.int
ad> <mailto:FFiori@europarl.eu.int>)     and     Paolo      Bartolozzi
ad> (PBartolozzi@europarl.eu.int      and       paolobartolozzi@tin.it
ad> <mailto:paolobartolozzi@tin.it>),   though  Forza  Italia  both of
ad> them,  have tabled a   set  of Amendments  most of  which  we  can
ad> support.  Of the   two, Fiori  seems  to  be the better  one:  the
ad> Amendments Bartolozzi has tabled alone go in  a strong sanctions /
ad> law enforcemnt direction and cannot be supported by us.

ad> - Radicali  MEP    Marco Cappato  (MCappato@europarl.eu.int)   has
ad> basically tabled all  of FIPR's suggested  amendments and  is very
ad> good   on Civil Liberties  issues.    His former assistant Ottavio
ad> Marzocchi (OMarzocchi@europarl.eu.int)  is a good contact also. He
ad> now works for the Non Inscrits Group.  Andreas



La sicurezza e` un ventre tenero                   andrea glorioso
Ma e` un demonio steso fra di noi    =20
Ti manca e quindi puoi non crederlo                www.acidlife.com
Ma io non mi sentivo libero                     sama@perchetopi.org