[Discussioni]Dubbi amletici: proprietario/commerciale/chiuso/libero

Silvano Sartore silvano a kweb.it
Ven 15 Nov 2002 12:20:35 CET

On Fri, Nov 15, 2002 at 10:09:18AM +0100, m.bizzarri a icube.it wrote:
> Domando a questo punto: proprietario e' il termine corretto da usare? E se non e' il termine corretto, quale dovrebbe essere il termine giusto?

riporto pedestremente da dict proprietary

From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (09 FEB 02) [foldoc]:
     1. In {marketroid}-speak, superior; implies a product imbued
     with exclusive magic by the unmatched brilliance of the
     company's own hardware or software designers.
     2. In the language of hackers and users, inferior; implies a
     product not conforming to {open-systems} {standard}s, and thus
     one that puts the customer at the mercy of a vendor who can
     inflate service and upgrade charges after the initial sale has
     locked the customer in.
     [{Jargon File}]


Silvano Sartore
<!> kaleidos.turin.italy

"Work for something because it is good,
   not just because it stands a chance to succeed." -  Vaclav Havel
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