[Discussioni] [Fwd: [IP-Enforce] Consumer Rights Voter Guide for EU - need volunteers]

Stefano Maffulli stef a zoomata.com
Lun 5 Apr 2004 08:55:37 CEST

E` un'iniziativa importante.  Qualcuno puņ/vuole dare una mano a

-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Robin Gross <robin a ipjustice.org>
To: ip-enforce <ip-enforce a ipjustice.org>
Subject: [IP-Enforce] Consumer Rights Voter Guide for EU - need volunteers
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 2004 10:48:13 -0800


I am working on creating a voter reference guide for the upcoming EU 
elections on intellectual property issues and need a few volunteers to 

Since there is so little voter turn-out in the EU elections, we can use 
the June elections as an opportunity to have a large impact by making 
excesses in intellectual property rights a campaign issue.

We will create "Report Cards" for each MEP on how they voted on key 
directives from a civil liberties perspective (EU IP Rights Enforcement 
Directive, Copyright Directive, Software Patents Directive, etc.)  And 
we can use this data to rank the MEPs and promote the ones who have 
protected civil liberties and expose the ones who gave away consumer 
rights to Hollywood with their votes.

If anyone wants to help on this project, shoot me an email offlist.


IP-Enforce mailing list
IP-Enforce a ipjustice.org

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