[Discussioni] [Fwd: <no subject>]
Andrea Russo
rastandy a salug.it
Gio 16 Dic 2004 16:45:34 CET
come chiesto dal Porf. Fuggetta, ho inoltrato in ml.
"If the goal is to build a society of freedom, it's not sufficient to
put freedom into people's hands. If they don't appreciate it, they will
let it drop, lose it. If we want freedom to endure, we have to teach
people to recognize its value so they will defend it."
-- Richard M. Stallman
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Da: Alfonso Fuggetta <Alfonso.Fuggetta a polimi.it>
Oggetto : <no subject>
Data: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 09:51:40 +0100
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