[Discussioni] Articolo sui pericoli dell'IPED

Alessio Frusciante algol a firenze.linux.it
Mer 18 Feb 2004 18:18:48 CET

Ciao a tutti,
vi segnalo un articolo di George Jakob sui problemi che la direttiva
IPED pone. Si fa riferimento anche a possibili danni per le piccole e
medie imprese e ci sono alcune considerazioni sull'incertezza legata al 
termine "proprieta` intellettuale". Un estratto:

"If you bring together three lawyers from across Europe, it soon becomes
clear that it will prove very difficult to get a definition of either
Intellectual or Industrial Property they will all agree on, especially
when it comes to the question of which areas of law should actually be
Even the concept of a property right is vastly different in the English
common law and European continental law. And although the term
Intellectual Property seems to be marketed heavily by some interest 
groups, hardly any of the national legal systems actually use it."

Deharmonization through the Intellectual Property Enforcement Directive


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