[Discussioni] Articolo sui pericoli dell'IPED

Alceste Scalas alceste.scalas a gmx.net
Gio 19 Feb 2004 18:01:17 CET

On Wed, Feb 18, 2004 at 11:41:18PM +0100, Francesco Potorti` wrote:
    > > "If you bring together three lawyers from across Europe, it
    > > soon becomes clear that it will prove very difficult to get
    > > a definition of either Intellectual or Industrial Property
    > > they will all agree on
    > In Italia la proprietà intellettuale comprende il diritto
    > d'autore e il diritto sui generis sui databse, mentre la
    > proprietà industriale comprende i marchi e i brevetti.
    > Analoghe definizioni si usano in Francia.  Nel resto d'Europa
    > non so, l'Europa è grande e varia.

In  Italia il  diritto  d'autore copre  anche  i database  (chiamati
"banche di  dati").  Questo era  richiesto da una  direttiva europea
(96/9/CE), che, ai tempi,  ha causato un rimaneggiamento della legge
633/41 sul diritto d'autore.

In ogni  caso, non mi risulta  che in Italia  esista una definizione
legale di  "proprieta` intellettuale".  Per quanto ne  so, si tratta
di un termine  dal significato vago (insomma, una  buzzword :-), che
ha  "misteriosamente"  fatto  il  suo ingresso  nelle  piu`  recenti
direttive europee  (specie nei titoli e nei  "considerando"), ma non
(ancora)  nelle   leggi  locali.    Luci  ed  ombre   dell'opera  di

Come si puo` leggere nell'articolo citato da Alessio:

    | [...] although the term Intellectual Property seems to be
    | marketed heavily by some interest groups, hardly any of the
    | national legal systems actually use it. Where the term has
    | actually survived, it seems to be for historic reasons. One of
    | Germanys most distinguished experts has gone so far as to call
    | the term Intellectual Property an aberration of legal theory,
    | drawn from the junkyard of legal history, which only serves to
    | obscure the facts - it is quite rare that legal scholars find
    | such strong words. And even in a jurisdiction where an
    | apparently similar term is used, such as Propriété Artistiq in
    | France, it differs fundamentally in many important nuances.
    | The concept is so problematic, because the approach in Europe
    | has been based on the existence of a clearly defined set of
    | Rights on Immaterial Goods, each with its own characteristics,
    | and appropriate enforcement measures. This has led in
    | continental Europe to a great degree of legal certainty and
    | predictability of legal decisions. In the US, the absence of
    | these individual codes, with their detailed specifications,
    | has led to a much less certain environment; which has in turn
    | been exploited by a large number of companies apparently
    | basing their entire business practice on the application of
    | dubious legal threats.


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