[Discussioni] Aperto il forum del rapporto EPO "Scenarios for the future"
Paolo Didonč
dido a nonpenso.org
Mar 12 Giu 2007 12:55:14 CEST
Inoltro un messaggio molto interessante di Andrea. Mi scuso con quanti
l'hanno giā ricevuto
------- Messaggio inoltrato -------
Da: Andrea Glorioso <andrea a digitalpolicy.it>
A: copywhat a lists.copywhat.org
Oggetto: [c-what] [EPO, EU, PATENT] Aperto il forum del rapporto EPO
"Scenarios for the future"
Data: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 12:42:06 +0200
Cari tutti,
vi informo che l'EPO ha aperto il forum online per discutere il
contenuto del rapporto, redatto qualche mese fa, "Scenarios for the
Scenarios for the future
In the course of a two-year project, the EPO interviewed around 150
key players - including critics - from the fields of science,
business, politics, ethics, economics and law, seeking their
opinions on how intellectual property and patenting might evolve
over the next fifteen to twenty years.
Four scenarios - relevant and plausible stories about the future -
were developed in a series of workshops from their answers. These
scenarios, which were created with the help of more than 40 EPO
staff members, are intended as tools to generate policy debates and
were presented to the public for the first time at the European
Patent Forum.
Each scenario examines the future from a different perspective:
Market Rules (business) - The story of consolidation in the face of
a system that has been so successful that it is collapsing under its
own weight
Whose Game? (geopolitics) - The story of conflict in the face of
changing geopolitical balances and competing ambitions
Trees of Knowledge (society) - The story of erosion in the face of
diminishing societal trust
Blue Skies (technology) - The story of differentiation in the face
of global systemic crises
* about the background to the project
* about the process
* about the discussions at the European Patent Forum
* the open-ended interviews
* the detailed interviews
* selected pages from the compendium
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