[Discussioni] Memorandum - Dip. Difesa USA

Giovani Spagnolo giovani a telematicsfreedom.org
Ven 30 Ott 2009 21:02:40 CET

Ciao a tutti,

Non so se tutti hanno avuto già l'occasione di leggere il memorandum del
dipartimento di difesa degli stati uniti per il software libero/open

Mentre secondo me inizia bene...

a. In almost all cases, OSS meets the definition of “commercial computer
and shall be given appropriate statutory preference in accordance with
10 USC 2377
(reference (b)) (see also FAR 2.101(b), 12.000, 12.101 (reference (c));
212.212, and 252.227-7014(a)(1) (reference (d)))."

e poi continua con una ragionevole spiegazione sui tipi di licenze

"e. There is a misconception that the Government is always obligated to
distribute the
source code of any modified OSS to the public, and therefore that OSS
should not be
integrated or modified for use in classified or other sensitive DoD
systems. In contrast,
many open source licenses permit the user to modify OSS for internal use
without being
obligated to distribute source code to the public. However, if the user
chooses to
distribute the modified OSS outside the user's organization (e.g., a
Government user
distributes the code outside the Government), then some OSS licenses
(such as the GNU
General Public License) do require distribution of the corresponding
source code to the
recipient of the software. For this reason, it is important to
understand both the specifics
of the open source license in question and how the Department intends to
use and
redistribute any DoD-modified OSS."

mi pare di capire che non finisca proprio bene, in particolare per una
frase (evidenziata qui di sotto) che è stata o scritta male (dovrebbe
essere "or when pre-existing OSS /for /which the government is the
copyright holder is modified...") o è stata messa li apposta per
"chiarire" (?) che il Governo US sta sopra ogni licenza (ed ogni libertà)...

"g. Software [...] developed for the
Government should be released to the public (such as under an open
source license) when
all of the following conditions are met:
(2) The Government has the rights to reproduce and release the item, and to
authorize others to do so. For example, the Government has public
release rights when
the software is developed by Government personnel, when the Government
"unlimited rights" in software developed by a contractor at Government
expense_*, or when
pre-existing OSS is modified by or for the Government.*_

Voi che impressione avete ?


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